Google Is About To Release The New Penguin

Google has finally let it be known that the latest penguin update is on its way and should be rolled out by the end of the year. The primary focus of this update will be to create a more real-time responsiveness within the search results. This means that Google will be looking for changes on your site and to the links that point to your site, and see any changes immediately. This is good for many reasons, since it will allow us to see the results of our changes very quickly. It will also mean that webmasters will have to be very careful and considerate with any changes they make for SEO, lest they be discovered by the great Google Spam Monster!

So what should you do to prevent yourself from being seen? Not stand up! But seriously, there are several steps you can take now to be sure you’re in good shape for the next penguin update.

  1. Be Real in Real-Time
    Edit your changes offline then publish. Don’t let Google see you making optimizations to your pages and site in real-time. You are sure to tip your hat as an optimizer.
  2. Stop Spamming Your Anchors
    Use varied long-tail keywords. Specific keyword anchors are a bad idea. Use a varied approach and include your keywords in a phrase.
  3. Do Not Buy Links
    Especially lots of them. Sudden increases in incoming links will out you as a link buyer. Be natural, be conservative, be patient.

As always, we recommend a site audit before the next update. If you need help, be sure to call us! We can help you make sure you are prepared.

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